Sunday, November 13, 2011

Killer Solar Flares Are a Physical Impossibility, Experts Say

Given a legitimate need to protect Earth from the most intense forms of space weather great bursts of electromagnetic energy and particles that can sometimes stream from the sun  some people worry that a gigantic "killer solar flare" could hurl enough energy to destroy Earth. Citing the accurate fact that solar activity is currently ramping up in its standard 11-year cycle, there are those who believe that 2012 could be coincident with such a flare.But this same solar cycle has occurred over millennia. Anyone over the age of 11 has already lived through such a solar maximum with no harm. In addition, the next solar maximum is predicted to occur in late 2013 or early 2014, not 2012.

 The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory spacecraft captured this image of a solar flare as it erupted from the sun early on Tuesday, October 28, 2003. This was the most powerful flare measured with modern methods.  Most importantly, however, there simply isn't enough energy in the sun to send a killer fireball 93 million miles to destroy Earth.
Now that I know this im starting to think more deeply about the earth and the enviorment. I still cant belive tis fact though. This makes me feel smart becasue I learned something new, and I learn something really big.

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