Monday, November 28, 2011

The 6.2 kg BABY!

Have you ever seen a a baby at birth that ways more then four kg? well just a few days ago a 6.2 kg, baby was born! The baby was born and as big as the double size of normal babies. A baby girl weighting 6,2 kilograms was born just a few days ago in . It . The baby was tall 56 cm, and it was the largest baby in the hospital.  The mother itself, was a chubby baby at birth, she weighs 240 kg, and her name is Elfi Yagh.

I think that this was a very interseting article, especially the part where I found out that there was in the world a 6 kg baby! This makes me think about what kind of other babies have been this big? and that I was lucky to be 2.5 kg at birth.

1 comment:

  1. CHEESE AND MACHARONI! That is like the worlds biggest record! I mean I have never heard of this before! Nice job by the way Kiki!
