Monday, November 14, 2011


Have you ever heard of nanotechnology? Coz if you go to my school Im sure you have! But incase you are not quite sure about this I will first explain to you what nano technology is. In scientific language I would say that Nanotechnology (sometimes shortened to nanotech) is the study of manipulating matter on atomic and molecular scale. Now, in case you have not read the last thing that Dr Aliv, Aliev discovered here is it. Dr. Ali Aliev, a research scientist at UT Dallas, and his colleagues recently demonstrated that transparent carbon nanotube sheets, which can have the density of air and the specific strength of steel, can be used to make objects invisible.

While reasherching about this fact, I kept on thinking about this interesting fact. I couldnt belive what nontechnology could do! In my opinion its like scientific magic, If there is such a thing. 


  1. Kiki! you need to have 250 words! and dont use texting words!

  2. Good article Jovana! But I have never heard of Nanotechnology so please tell me what it is. But still very nice!
