Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Scientists Discover 'Fickle' DNA Changes in Brain

Just two days ago, scientists finished there reaserch on the mice brain. They concluded that there are some DNA changes in brain. Doctor Johns Hopkins is still investingating this chemical change. They say that this change can be dangerous and may provide more diseases for the adult miceAnyway, this also may leed to a good thing.

I think that scientists are trying their best to find more about this adult mice  chemical change. To be honest there wasnt much information about this topic becasue its new, but I think it will be a big thing, once it's discovered.  In my opinion i think that this is an interesting topic to write about, and it made me feel wierd.

1 comment:

  1. Why did it make you feel weird? DNA is a very intriguing thing for scientists to continuously study. I wonder why the change can be dangerous to the adult mice. What was the chemical change that occurred?
