Saturday, September 3, 2011

Scientific Summer

This Summer I did a lot of things. Some of those things were Scientific and some were not, but I have some interesting things to write about. One of the things that were scientific were Tanning, going on roller coaster rides and shopping. HAHAHAHAH Im kidding, Shopping is not really a scientific thing. :PPP But It was fun.. As I was saying I did a lot of tanning during the summer, and that's scientific because when you are tanning your skin changes color, because of the sun. The sun is very hot and sometimes when you tan a lot you can get skin cancer, but anyway I have more about the other topics I did that were scientific. I also planted flowers, I had to figure out the procedure and everything. I think that this is scientific becasue its something to do with nature.

1 comment:

  1. I like what scientific thing you did over the summer. But this painting that you posted was beautiful. You see , over my summer the computer was my most scientific thing.
