Thursday, November 1, 2012



The movie we watched a few days ago is about how dirt is important to the world, and how it helps the world in many different ways. One of the things people can do to save dirt, is not to build as many buildings, or to not keep on destroying it. People should focus more on planting fruits,vegetables and whatever else instead of doing the opposite. I think if everyone would help a bit, it would make a huge difference especially since that would perserve a lot. I don’t know so much about what the governments do about this,except that many scientists, and even everyday people are trying to find a way how we can all contribute to help dirt survive, and keep on developing like it is now. Governments need to keep in mind what can happen unless they start caring more about dirt, because there might not be any for the future generations. This movie left me with a very different feeling about mud then before. To me, dirt was just a piece of something disgusting that I used to hate when I was little, and all up to now. I still find it disgusting, but at least now I see the importance with it. I feel a bit motivated, but not much, because I don’t think I have time to help dirt stay healthy. Well, most of the parts of the movie were really interesting, and I especially liked the ones when the kids were playing with dirt, and when people from India or Africa were saying what an honor it used to be to get to play with it. I found it interesting as well, when the narrator or whoever was talking about the beliefs of how god created dirt, as one of the first and main objects of life. Honestly, this has changed my feelings about dirt a bit, but I still think its really disgusting. Yes, I completely agree that Dirt is important to us, and I think everyone should do something to stop so many people from ruining it. :)

Friday, March 30, 2012

What kinds of organisms are living in the Topcider Pond?

I think we will find this

small snakes
fish, bones

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Our Closest Relatives

Scientists now have all the information about the genomes of all four living great apes: humans, chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans. This is very important for our study of human evolution and biology. After researching 11,000 genes in the four apes researchers were able to find important evolutionary trends and changes. Although humans and chimpanzees are closest in terms of genome there are specific areas of genetic makeup where humans and gorillas have closer resemblances.  In addition, the research showed that evolutionary process in all species was more dynamic and diverse and that there are many variations among individuals and populations than we though before. Having this information gives us new knowledge and understanding of this aspect of biology.

I rate this article that i got the information from about a 7 or 8 out of 10, because on some parts it was difficult to understand, but it was still very interesting and it could hold up my concentration. I never knew anything special about genes, but after reading and writing this article i got a better idea of what they were and i learned what was happening with the world a bit more.